Treasure Chest

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The Treasure Chest is a special item added to Jade Dynasty with the Ascension expansion on November 12th, 2009. All new characters created after that date automatically have a Treasure Chest in their bag. Between April 23rd and 30th, 2010, the Treasure Chest was rewarded to all veteran players whose characters were created prior to the Ascension expansion.

The Treasure Chest can be opened for more rewards every 5 levels, all the way up to level 150! The Treasure Chest will often give out large quantities of potions, but will also give the player a lot of other special items, including a 30-day horse mount when he or she reaches level 30, as well as a 30-day Glister skyblade when he or she reaches level 45.

If all levels of the Treasure Chest are not opened prior to Ascension, or in the case of the veteran players who may have received their Treasure Chest after ascending, the highest level reached by that character is used to determine the levels that can be opened, rather than their current level. For example, if a character ascended at level 145, but is currently level 15, they will be able to open the Treasure Chest up to and including the level 145 version, but will not be able to open the level 150 chest until they reach 150 after ascending.

Note: Keep in mind that the items inside the Treasure Chest do have level requirements that must be met by your character's current level, so if your ascended level is low, you may want to wait to open the chest until you qualify for the level requirements of the items.


Level 1:

  • Warrior Sword (if human)
  • Warrior Staff (if human)
  • Refined Axe (if Balo)
  • Refined Bow (if Arden)
  • Polished Scythe (if Rayan)
  • Tiger Ice
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Special Health Orb x999

Level 5:

  • Warrior Hairband
  • Warrior Boot
  • Turtle Ice
  • Special Health Orb x999

Level 10:

  • Woody Pig pet (untradable)
  • Pearl Grape x1
  • Special Health Orb x999

Level 15:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Reviving Pill
  • Fundamental Chi
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Special Health Orb x999

Level 20:

  • Special Longing Potion
  • Special Blessing Potion
  • Reviving Dew
  • Clan Badge
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 25:

  • Fantastic Mask (30-day duration)
  • Octopus Smileys (7-day duration)
  • Rice Paper x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 30:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Horse mount (30-day duration)
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 35:

  • Alacrity Ring
  • Pet Candy
  • Kylin Orb
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 40:

  • Refinery Talisman x5
  • Normal Bloodspirit Jade
  • Rice Paper x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 45:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Glister Skyblade (30-day duration)
  • Chi of Element
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 50:

  • Glory Necklace
  • Pearl Grape
  • Esper Polish
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 55:

  • Jaki Stone (15-day duration)
  • Rice Paper x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 60:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Merit Incense x200
  • Alliance Badge
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 65:

  • Tawen Gem x2
  • Kylin Orb x2
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 70:

  • Dragon Lustre Necklace
  • Celestial Ring
  • Spirit Dust x50
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Refined Remedy Orb x999

Level 75:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Pearl Grape
  • Chi of Origin
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 80:

  • Recall Chant (15-day duration)
  • Rice Paper x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 85:

  • Universal Coin x50
  • Pearl Grape
  • Kylin Orb
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 90:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 95:

  • Zodiac Essence (☆)
  • Zodiac Essence (★)
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 100:

  • Chi of Deliberation
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 105:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 110:

  • Dragonfang Herb x5
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 115:

  • Sky Lustre Necklace
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 120:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 125:

  • Arcane Bullion x20
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 130:

  • Chi of Rumination
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 135:

  • Refined Faction Weapon
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 140:

  • Bronze Sigil (binds item on refine)
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 145:

  • Fashion Outfit (30-day duration)
  • Meditation Orb x5
  • Heart of the Moon
  • Portal Scroll x5
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Level 150:

  • Affinity Bead x999
  • Silver Sigil (binds item on refine)
  • Perfect Remedy Orb x999
  • Perfect Spirit Potion x999

Beginner's Guide Navigation: Starting Off | GUI | Quest Log | Faction Selection: 1 2 | Marketplace | Leveling Guide

Jade Dynasty Basics: Esper | Pets | Skills | Class System | Masters and Disciples

Category: Quests