Battleground Rewards

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Battlegrounds offer a fun way for level 90-150 characters to obtain experience and Combat Gear.

Battlegrounds are separated by level. There are four non-ascended battlegrounds and several ascended battlegrounds.

You can sign up for the non-ascended battlegrounds at the Battleground Deputy in Sunstream City. The ascended battlegrounds are accessed from various other locations.

Battlegrounds occur at the specified times on each realm.

Non-ascended Battlegrounds

  • Brimstone for levels 90-104
  • Bedlam for levels 105-119
  • Waterway for levels 120-134
  • Strategist for levels 135-150

If you want to enter one of these battlegrounds quickly, check the Battleground Deputy's list, then switch realms to the battleground that's starting soonest. There will also be a server announcement whenever a certain realm's battlegrounds are about to begin.

Ascended Battlegrounds

  • Chu-Han Battleground, from the Voidland Dispatcher. There need to be at least 30 people registered on each side before the battleground will open.
  • Crystal Rift, for Asc 135+ characters, between 19:00 - 21:00 servertime.

Non-Ascended Battleground Rewards

  • Enemy towers in Battlegrounds drop Earthprime Beads, which can be turned in for Battleground-only buffs like increased Health or the ability to heal yourself based on the damage you deal.
  • The enemy base in a Battleground drops Celessence Beads. Completing a Battleground rewards Courage points, with the amount given depending on whether you defeated the enemy base or not, and whether or not you were the player with the most player kills. Celessence Beads and Courage are turned in at the Immortal's Outlook in Sunstream for special gear rewards.
  • You can receive Skyline Pearls instead of Celessence Beads in the ascended battlegrounds.
  • Courage, Celessence Beads, and Skyline Pearls are used to purchase gear from various NPCs (Wanbo, Fulin, Zoale, and Xequi in Immortal's Outlook, and the Athan Battleground Vendor/Battleground Vendor), as well as unlocking quests at the Battleground Vendor.

Battleground Vendor Quests

Battleground Vendor Quests
Quest Name Description Courage Visible Courage / Celessence or Skyline Cost
Improved Talismans opens Talisman quests 400 N/A
Improved Talismans 10 Sharpness/Lifeblood/Spirit Talismans 400 100 / 3
Improved Shield Talismans 10 Shield Talismans 400 200 / 3
Battleground Bow Directs to you Immortal's Outlook ~4480, ~5040 N/A
Battleground Mount Permanent Armored Rhino mount ??? 100,000 / 500

Battlegrounds Tips

  • In pre-ascension Battlegrounds, Celessence Beads are also dropped when a player kills another player. If killed player has no Celessence Beads in their bag, new Celessence Beads are created. It's possible to farm Celessence Beads by repeatedly killing the same player in a single Battlegrounds. Earthprime Beads can be dropped in small amounts when killed, if no Earthprime Beads are available in the player's bag new beads will be created.
  • Finishing a pre-ascension BG with most kills will award 30 extra courage to the top killer in the BG. Should more than one player have the same amount of kills, only the first player to reach that number is awarded the reward. Ascension BG rewards a larger courage reward for the player with the most kills by the end of the match.
  • Bring an alternate character with you so that you can kill the player and be rewarded with 50 Courage + 30 Courage per run. This will add up quickly and turn into a fantastic investment.
  • BG Failure awards the losing teams with 30 courage. Instead of using Meditate in a city to go AFK, go AFK in BG instead.
  • In the 135+ pre-ascension BG, you can attempt to Summon Chess Maven boss to help you with kills should you find yourself losing. The Chess Maven has an AoE sleep/Spirit Drain and can turn the tide of a battle. It's almost like having an extra player on your team, just keep in mind that Chess Maven does not discriminate and will attack anyone and anything it sees (Watch your AoE's when around it). Its damage isn't extreme and can be potted, so you'll only want it for the AoE sleep/Spirit Drain.
  • Use the 25% Critstrike Rate/25% Attack Power BG scroll upon entering, every time you do BG to kill turrets faster. No other scroll is more important than this one.

Courage Ranks

Courage Ranks
Rank Required Courage Title
Enlightened 0 N/A
Pious Preacher 400 Pious Preacher
Faith Guardian 800 Faith Guardian
Heavenly One 1200 Heavenly One
Warden of Sky 2000 Warden of Sky
Astral Overseer 4800 Astral Overseer
Sacred Dragon Lord 8800 Sacred Dragon Lord
Infinity Dweller 14400 Infinity Dweller
??? 27200 ???

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