Romance Quests

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Romance Quests - Jade Dynasty Wiki

File:Eldest Matchmaker.png
Eldest Matchmaker

Here is a list of Romance Quests that are obtainable by Tonni and Eldest Matchmaker in Sunstream.

♥ Rules for Romancing ♥

  • Your partner must be in a party with you.
  • There are only one male and one female in the party.
  • The male has to be the party leader.
  • When questing, make sure your partner is with you.
  • You have to have the same amount of Tonni's Tokens for each Romance Quest accepted.
  • You and your partner must both have Tonni's Tokens on hand.
  • Quests are (mostly) only available to the male partner therefore he is responsible for accepting quests from Eldest Matchmaker.

Now let's get started on the path of love!

Successfully completing these quests will net you Romance Points, which are used to level up Romance Skills. With enough Romance Points, you will be able to get a free Wedding Ring from the Eldest Matchmaker.

Note: Only the pink titled daily quests give Romance Points. The other quests will give you 1 Prime Berry which automatically transforms into Experience Points which is given in accordance with your current level.

Quest Title NPC Title Color Timed
Look For Your Love Tonni Pink Yes
Test of Predestined Love Tonni Pink No
Getting Married Eldest Matchmaker Pink No
Divination From Travel Eldest Matchmaker Blue Yes
Divination From Instinct Eldest Matchmaker Blue Yes
Petal Divination Eldest Matchmaker Blue No
Food Augury Eldest Matchmaker Blue No
Love of Destiny - Love Fruit Eldest Matchmaker Pink No
Love of Destiny - Reunion Eldest Matchmaker Pink No
Test of Mutual Understanding Eldest Matchmaker Blue Yes
The Destined Eldest Matchmaker Pink No
The Romantic Mystic Scroll/Eldest Matchmaker Pink No

Note: The Romantic quest cannot be obtained by any NPC but rather from fishing up an item. It is also not directly connected to the Romance Quests to obtain Romance Points, but just other fun rewards such as titles.

Category: Quests

Beginner's Guide Navigation: Starting Off | GUI | Quest Log | Faction Selection: 1 2 | Marketplace | Leveling Guide

Jade Dynasty Basics: Esper | Pets | Skills | Class System | Masters and Disciples

Category: Beginner Guide