Lupin Skill Tree

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Lupin skills are largely focused on dealing damage to single targets in melee range, causing status effects, and granting short-term buffs to the caster.

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Tier 1

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Tier 1 Skills

  • Part Water: 9 Ranks. Basic melee attack.
  • Free Spirit: 3 Ranks. Passively increases Max Health and Spirit.
  • Full of Love: 8 Ranks. Increases caster's Attack Power for a short time.
  • Cloudbreaker: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that causes the target to bleed for additional damage and lose Spirit over time.
  • Haste: 8 Ranks. Increases caster's movement speed for a short time.
  • Love's Snare: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that inflicts a paralyze effect on the target for a short time.
  • Meditation: 8 Ranks. Passively increases Accuracy, Attack Power, and chance to resist Slow effects.
  • Mist: 8 Ranks. Increases caster's Defense for a short time while decreasing Attack Power.
  • Thicken Blood: 8 Ranks. Increases caster's Max Health by an amount based on the caster's level and Max Spirit for 30 minutes.

Tier 2

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Tier 2 Skills

  • Scent of Darkness: 9 Ranks. Basic melee attack with an increased CritStrike Rate.
  • Charge: 3 Ranks. Leap forward at high speed, with a chance to remove Weaken effects.
  • Flying Petals: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that deals more damage when the caster's Health is at a low percentage.
  • Ancient Prayer: 8 Ranks. Increases Max Health for a short time.
  • Dimly Discernable: 8 Ranks. Passively increases Evasion and Paralyze Resistance.
  • Overwhelm: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that inflicts a Silence effect for a short time.
  • Hazy Blur: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that reduces the target's Paralyze Resistance.
  • Lovesickness: 9 Ranks. Instantly restores Health to the caster with a chance that the Health will be lost over time.
  • Positive Reinforcement: 9 Ranks. Increases the damage of the next attack and grants immunity to Paralyze effects for a short time.

Tier 3

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Tier 3 Skills

  • Dance of the Butterflies: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that hits twice with an increased CritStrike Rate.
  • Vanity: 3 Ranks. Passively increases Silence Resistance.
  • Seductive Brush: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that deals a large amount of damage.
  • Deep Water: 8 Ranks. Resets the cooldowns of Haste, Mist, and Lovesickness. At higher ranks, also resets the cooldowns of Positive Reinforcement, Ancient Prayer, and Determination.
  • Gentle Deception: 8 Ranks. Silences all targets near the caster for a short time.
  • Mountain Song: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that causes a Stun effect for a short time.
  • Fallen City: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that reduces the target's Silence Resistance.
  • Determination: 8 Ranks. Increases caster's Attack Power for a short time, causing the target to lose Health and Spirit with every attack they make.
  • Uncertain Emotion: 8 Ranks. Passively increases CritStrike Bonus.

Tier 4

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Tier 4 Skills

  • Jeden Shadow: 9 Ranks. Melee attack whose critical strikes have an increased CritStrike Bonus.
  • Fantasy: 3 Ranks. Increases caster's Evasion for a short time, and allows attacks made over the duration to restore Spirit to the caster.
  • Acid Rain: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that causes a bleed effect, dealing more damage when the target's Spirit is at a low percentage.
  • Wish on a Star: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that strikes multiple targets twice.
  • Love's Glance: 8 Ranks. Causes a Silence effect on the target, and if it is successful, also applies a Slow effect.
  • River Dweller: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that strikes four times, with a chance to dispel a bleed effect from the caster.
  • Sunset: 9 Ranks. Melee attack that reduces the target's Paralyze, Silence, and Stun Resistances for a short time.
  • Forgotten Worries: 8 Ranks. Passively increases CritStrike Rate.
  • Cold Disposition: 6 Ranks. Array effect that curses nearby enemy targets every 5 seconds, reducing their Resistances.

Tier 5

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Tier 5 Skills

  • Forgotten Dream: 6 Ranks. Melee attack with an increased CritStrike Rate that has a chance to remove positive effects from the target.
  • Frozen Memories: 2 Ranks. Melee attack that strikes four times, causing the target to lose Spirit over time, with a chance to Silence the target, a chance to Slow the target, and a chance to restore Health to the caster.
  • Blessing of Spring: 5 Ranks. Grants invulnerability to the caster for a short time, and also dispels all Bleed effects.
  • Shadow of Hope: 4 Ranks. Melee attack that strikes many nearby enemies twice, with a chance to cause a bleed effect for additional damage.

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