Key Bindings

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  • To move your character around in the world, use the W, S, A and D keys to move forward, backward, left, and right respectively.
  • You can toggle the functions of the A and D keys to rotate left and right, respectively, within the Options menu.
  • You can also move by left-clicking on the ground.
  • To jump, press the Space Bar.

User Interface

  • Q : Quests
  • E : Actions
  • R : Skills
  • T : Party Settings
  • Y : Master-disciple
  • U : Broadcasting
  • I : Hall of Excellence
  • O : Craft
  • P : Pet
  • F : Friends
  • G : Clan and Alliance
  • H : Novice guide
  • J : Marketplace
  • K : Calendar
  • L : Help
  • C : Character
  • V : Invigorate
  • B : Bag
  • N : Class
  • M : Auto-Route Map
  • Alt + H : Hide User Interface
  • Ctrl + Q : Ride Mount
  • Ctrl + F : Use Skyblade
  • Tab : Cycle through nearby targets
  • PrintScreen : Screenshot
  • Enter : Send Message

Hold down the Alt key to use the hotkeys above while chatting.

Screenshots are saved in the following directory: /element/screenshot

Photo Mode

Press F9 to Enter Photo Mode

  • Home - Pan Forward
  • Delete - Pan Left
  • PgDown - Pan Right
  • End - Pan Backward
  • Insert - Pan Up
  • PgUp - Pan Down
  • Ctrl + Home - Zoom In
  • Ctrl + End - Zoom Out

Move your character or press the F9 key again to exit Photo Mode.

Beginner's Guide Navigation: Starting Off | GUI | Quest Log | Faction Selection: 1 2 | Marketplace | Leveling Guide

Jade Dynasty Basics: Esper | Pets | Skills | Class System | Masters and Disciples

Category: Beginner Guide