Forta Skill Tree

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Forta Skill Calculator

Tier 1

   Tier 1 Forta Skills
  • Rush: 6 ranks. Basic single target attack that deals additional damage if the player is below level 30.
  • Finesse: 6 ranks. Passively increases max health and out of combat Health Regeneration.
  • Stalwart: 5 ranks. Passively increases Attack Power.
  • Sweep: 6 ranks. Teleports the caster within melee range of a single target.
  • Earthern Will: 5 ranks. Increases non-mounted movement speed for a short time.
  • Lunar Chop: 7 ranks. Attack a single target. Passively increases the chance that Wind Thunder Strike will activate Ultimate Duel.
  • Rest Spell: 8 ranks. Attack a single target. Passively increases the Weaken effect strength to Wind Thunder Strike.
  • Wind Thunder Strike: 9 ranks. Single target Trigger skill that Weakens a target and has a chance to activate Ultimate Duel.
  • Ultimate Duel: 9 ranks. Single target Chain skill that places a target in an Activated condition.
  • Vigor: 6 ranks. Passively increased max Spirit and out of combat Spirit Regeneration.
  • Bright Star: 5 ranks. Passively increases Defense.
  • Soul Song: 9 ranks. Reduces a target's Stun and Weaken resistance.
  • Drunk World: 5 ranks. Attack a single target with a chance to place them in a Palsy effect.

Tier 2

   Tier 2 Forta Skills
  • Chain Breaker: 9 ranks. Attack a single target. Passively increases Wolf Killing's Silence effect strength.
  • Spurt: 3 ranks. Used to leap forward at a high speed and also clears from self Paralyze, Slow, and Palsy effects.
  • Sky • Appearance: 5 ranks. Transforms the caster small. Increases Defense, while reducing cast time of skills and Attack Power.
  • Earth • Appearance: 5 ranks. Transforms the caster large. Increases Attack Power and Max HP, while increasing cast time of skills.
  • Soul Reaving: 8 ranks. Attack a single target. Has a chance to reduce the target's Silence resistance. Passively increases Wolf Killing's Silence effect strength.
  • Wolf Killing: 9 ranks. Attack a single target 3 times. Silences the target and has a chance to activate Path of Oblivion.
  • Path of Oblivion: 9 ranks. Attack a single target 3 times. Places the target in an Activated condition.
  • Lake Sura: 5 ranks. Passively increases Stun resistance.
  • Sad Parting: 5 ranks. Attack a single target. Places the caster in an Activated condition.
  • Truth: 8 ranks. Teleports a single, ranged target within melee range.

Tier 3

   Tier 3 Forta Skills
  • Lightning Stroke: 9 ranks. Attack a single target. Passively increases the chance that Soul Doom activates Ritual of Life and Death.
  • Divine Pulse: 3 ranks. Makes the caster immune to damage and debuffs.
  • Sky • Essence: 5 ranks. Transforms the caster small. Increases Critnull, while reducing Attack Power and cast time of skills.
  • Earth • Essence: 5 ranks. Transforms the caster large. Increases Attack Power, Critstrike Rate, and cast time of skills.
  • Devastate: 8 ranks. Attack a single target 3 times. Passively increases the chance that Soul Doom activates Ritual of Life and Death.
  • Soul Doom: 6 ranks. Attack a single target 3 times. Has a chance to activate Ritual of Life and Death.
  • Ritual of Life and Death: 6 ranks. Attack a single target 3 times. Places the caster into a Bloodthirst and Activated condition.
  • Turtle Sura: 5 ranks. Passively increases Critstrike Bonus.
  • Dragon Strike: 5 ranks. Inflicts a Paralyze effect on a single target from a range.
  • Lightning Spell: 9 ranks. Attacks a target and those around it, placing them into a Palsy effect.

Tier 4

   Tier 4 Forta Skills
  • Wave Dash: 9 ranks. Attack a single target. Passively increases the chance that Galaxy Fall will activate Divine Calamity.
  • Lightglow Barrier: 5 ranks. Array effect that curses targets, increasing damage received and reduces Skill Evasion.
  • Arcanum Soulshield: 5 ranks. Places target into a Swiftness effect, reducing cast time and increasing movement speed. Also places the target into an Activated condition.
  • Veil of the Void: 6 ranks. A ranged cursed that places a target into a Cripple effect.
  • Thunder Flash: 5 ranks. Attacks a target and those around it. Passively increases the chance that Galaxy Fall will activate Divine Calamity.
  • Galaxy Fall: 8 ranks. Attack a single target 4 times with a chance to place the target into a Palsy effect. Has a chance to activate Divine Calamity.
  • Divine Calamity: 8 ranks. Attack multiple targets in a linear path. Has a chance to place the targets into a Cripple effect and reduce Critshield.
  • Origin Sura: 5 ranks. Passively increases Critstrike Rate.
  • Spectre Existence: 5 ranks. Attack a single target with a chance to dispel a buff from the target.
  • Dragonhunter: 9 ranks. Continuously drags a single target within melee range of the caster.

Tier 5

   Tier 5 Forta Skills
  • Judge of Life: 5 ranks. Attack a single target, reducing their skill damage. Passively increases the chance that Universe Quake activates Reality Termination.
  • Ancestral Spirit: 5 ranks. Places caster into a Swiftness effect, reducing cast time and increasing movement speed. Also places the caster into an Activated condition.
  • Demonic Fury: 5 ranks. Places a target into an Earth • Essence condition, increasing cast time and reducing the level of skills.
  • Universe Quake: 5 ranks. Attack a single target 5 times. Has a chance to activate Reality Termination.
  • Reality Termination: 5 ranks. Attack a single target 5 times. Places the caster into a Bloodthirst effect and curses the target, reducing Max HP and Critnull.

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