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Catalyze - Jade Dynasty Wiki

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- updated screenshots

Catalyzing your Esper will increase its proficiency. You will need to find or buy an Esrelic in order to catalyze it with your Esper. Esrelics can be found from some Dispatcher quests, or you can buy Dragon Blood or Wyvern Blood from the Marketplace.

<img src="Catalyze1.jpg" alt="Catalyze Process">

To catalyze your Esper, go to the Esper Mystic. Make sure your Esper and your esrelic are in your bag. Select the Esper Mystic's 'Catalyze' option. Place the Esper in the left hand slot, the esrelic in the right hand slot, and click on the 'Start' button. Your Esper will gain proficiency.

If your Esper gains enough proficiency to gain a level, it will.

The catalyze will fail if you don't have enough money, or if it will bring the Esper above its max level.

<img src="Catalyze2.jpg" alt="Catalyze Result">

Your Esper has a max level that is based off your current level. This limit is (x/5)+2, where x is your character level. Thus, at level three, your Esper's max level is 2. At level 10, your Esper's max level will be 4. At level 30, its max level will be 8.

Beginner's Guide Navigation: Starting Off | GUI | Quest Log | Faction Selection: 1 2 | Marketplace | Leveling Guide

Jade Dynasty Basics: Esper | Pets | Skills | Class System | Masters and Disciples

Category: Incomplete | Esper