Rayan Skill Tree

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Rayan Skill Calculator

Rayan Skill Tree

Rayans are a unique faction that allow them to summon a shadow to fight alongside them in battle. While the shadow is summoned, Rayans can use powerful skills with the shadow also mirroring the moves, making for double the attack. Although Rayan skills are based mostly on utilization of the shadow summon, the skill trees are divided into 3 categories corresponding to one of the Rayan tome pages:

  • Blade: Corresponds to the middle column of the skill trees. This column contains the Rayans' main attacks, and the corresponding tome page is utilized to boost these attacks. Rayan attacks are categorized into 3 groups:
    • Opening skills are more effective while the player is invisible.
    • Boosting skills add combo points to a Rayan's combo meter. As the Rayan accumulates more combo points, the stronger the Finishing attack will be.
    • Finishing skills will consume the accumulated combo points, but in return increase critstrike rate based on how many combo points there were to consume.
  • Shadow: Corresponds to the leftmost column of the skill trees. This column focuses on invisibility skills and debuffs for the player's targets.
  • Dance: Corresponds to the rightmost column of the skill trees. This column focuses on the Rayan's shadow summons, alongside with skills and passives that boost both the shadow and its caster.

Tier 1

   Tier 1 Rayan Skills
  • Onslaught: 6 ranks. Basic single target attack that deals additional damage if the player is below level 30.
  • Finesse: 6 ranks. Passively increases max health and out of combat Health Regeneration.
  • Ghost Pace: 3 ranks. Increases non-mounted movement speed for a short time, with a chance to remove 1 negative effect.
  • Blood Poison: 9 ranks. A ranged curse that causes the target to lose health each time they attack.
  • Traceless: 5 ranks. Increases the player's evasion for a short time.
  • Blood Blade: 7 ranks. Temporarily sacrifices some health to increase the caster's attack power.
  • Wind Cut: 8 ranks. Basic scythe attack that has an increased Critstrike rate based on the rank of the skill.
  • Intrusion: 9 ranks. Basic scythe attack that strikes twice and has bonus damage with each strike.
  • Vigor: 6 ranks. Passively increased max Spirit and out of combat Spirit Regeneration.
  • Shadow Dance • Shape: 5 ranks. Summons a weak shadow that cannot use skills to aid you in combat.
  • Blood Hand: 7 ranks. Passively increases the damage of the caster's attacks.
  • Melted Shadow: 5 ranks. Swaps the health value of the caster and its shadow when the value of the caster's health is less than that of the shadow's.

Tier 2

   Tier 2 Rayan Skills
  • Steal Raid: 9 ranks. Opening skill. Basic scythe attack that reduces the target's damage and causes a weakening effect.
  • Spurt: 3 ranks. Used to leap forward at a high speed but also temporarily increases the caster's Cristrike rate.
  • Tremble: 9 ranks. Ranged curse that reduces the target's resistances for a short time.
  • Invisibility: 5 ranks. Causes the caster to become invisible to enemies, but will not work on enemies 1-5 levels higher than the caster (depending on skill rank). Reduces the caster's speed.
  • Ghost Cut: 8 ranks. Boosting skill. Basic scythe attack that lowers the target's Critnull for a short period.
  • Instant Slay: 9 ranks. Finishing skill. Basic scythe attack that deals additional damage and health loss (if target received a Critstrike).
  • Protect: 5 ranks. Passively increases the health of the caster when a shadow is summoned.
  • Disperse: 7 ranks. Passively increases the player's Evasion.
  • Substitute: 5 ranks. Causes the shadow to temporarily receive a portion of the damage received by the caster.

Tier 3

   Tier 3 Rayan Skills
  • Hunt Raid: 9 ranks. Opening skill. Basic scythe attack that deals extra damage and has a chance to remove the target's buffs.
  • Blink Move: 3 ranks. Instantly moves caster to the back of target and increases the damage of the next attack.
  • Ghost Veil: 9 ranks. Ranged curse that reduces the Accuracy and Skill Accuracy of the target.
  • Hide: 5 ranks. Causes the caster to become invisible to enemies, but will not work on enemies 1-5 levels higher than the caster (depending on skill rank). Reduces the caster's speed.
  • Thunder Cut: 8 ranks. Boosting skill. Basic scythe attack that deals extra damage and drains the target's Spirit.
  • Sudden Blow: 9 ranks. Finishing skill. Basic scythe attack that deals extra damage equal to a percentage of the difference between the target's current and max spirit.
  • Shadow Dance • Soul: 5 ranks. Summons a shadow that has half the attack power of the caster, but can use Rayan skills based on the rank of the Shadow Dance • Soul.
  • Ultima Hand: 7 ranks. Passively increases the player's Critstrike rate.
  • Shadow Return: 5 ranks. Swaps the position of the caster's physical body and shadow if they are within distance and there are no obstacles in between.

Tier 4

   Tier 4 Rayan Skills
  • Teeth Raid: 9 ranks. Opening skill. Basic scythe attack that deals additional damage and inflicts a stun effect on the target. The shadow's Teeth Raid attack will ignore a portion of the target's defense.
  • Crippling Presence: 5 ranks. Short-distance array that reduces surrounding enemies' movement speed and skill accuracy.
  • Nerve Pinch: 9 ranks. Ranged curse that reduces the targets Critnull percentage.
  • Shadowmeld: 5 ranks. Causes the caster to become invisible to enemies, but will not work on enemies 1-5 levels higher than the caster (depending on skill rank). Reduces the caster's speed.
  • Dragon Cut: 8 ranks. Boosting skill. Basic scythe attack that deals additional damage based on a percentage of the sum of the caster's 5 resistances.
  • Bloody Chop: 9 ranks. Finishing skill. Basic scythe attack that attacks twice and deals additional bonus damage.
  • Shadow Sacrifice: 5 ranks. Sacrifices the shadow in order to remove negative effects from the caster and boost the power of the next attack.
  • Thousand Hands: 7 ranks. Passively increases the player's Accuracy.
  • Empathy: 5 ranks. Negative effects have a chance of being transferred from the caster to their shadow.

Tier 5

   Tier 5 Rayan Skills
  • Void: 5 ranks. Opening skill. Basic scythe attack that deals additional damage and inflicts a Silence effect on the target.
  • Flash Reel: 5 ranks. Causes the caster to become temporarily invisible to enemies and to become re-hidden if the caster is exposed.
  • Celestial Slay: 2 ranks. Ranged area-of-effect attack that deals additional damage and strikes up to 20 targets.
  • Shadow Dance • Ultima: 5 ranks. Creates a powerful shadow that has greater health and attack power than the caster. The shadow's health and attack power are based on the ranks of Shadow Dance • Shape and Shadow Dance • Soul.

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