Jadeon Skill Tree

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Jadeon Skill Tree - Jade Dynasty Wiki

   Jadeon skills are mostly based on the elemental forces of frost and lightning. This faction has access to many skills that can strike a large number of enemies, and its frost-based skills can slow enemy movement speed.
   Jadeon Skill Calculator
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  • <a href="#Tier_1">Tier 1 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_2">Tier 2 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_3">Tier 3 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_4">Tier 4 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_5">Tier 5 Skills</a>


      1. Section 2: Tier 1 Skills Introduction and Frozen Curse


Tier 1 Skills

File:Skills Jadeon Tier1.jpg
Tier 1 Skills

  • Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that reduces the target's movement speed.
  • Ancient Recall: 3 Ranks. Passively increases out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration.
  • Blade Dash: 9 Ranks. Basic ranged attack.
  • Furious Strike: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that increases the caster's Attack Power.
  • Frostblade: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that hits multiple enemies in a straight line in front of the caster, slowing all affected targets.
  • Thunderfist: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that strikes a large number of enemies surrounding the target.
  • Wanderlust: 5 Ranks. Increases movement speed and out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration for a short time.
  • Helping Hand: 8 Ranks. Increases Max Spirit of the caster and their party for 30 minutes.
  • Mysterious Mirror: 6 Ranks. Passively increases Stun Resistance.

Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks - Requires 8 total points spent in Initiate skills.

Costs 10 Spirit. Deals damage to a single ranged target, reducing its movement speed. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level Damage Effect
1 15 100% of AP + 53 Reduces movement speed by 22% for 4 seconds
2 17 100% of AP + 57 Reduces movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds
3 19 100% of AP + 61 Reduces movement speed by 28% for 6 seconds
4 21 100% of AP + 65 Reduces movement speed by 31% for 7 seconds
5 23 100% of AP + 69 Reduces movement speed by 34% for 8 seconds
6 25 100% of AP + 73 Reduces movement speed by 37% for 9 seconds
7 27 100% of AP + 77 Reduces movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds
8 29 100% of AP + 81 Reduces movement speed by 43% for 11 seconds
9 31 100% of AP + 105 Reduces movement speed by 46% for 12 seconds


      1. Section 3: Ancient Recall, Blade Dash, and Furious Strike


Ancient Recall: 3 Ranks - Requires 1 Rank in Frozen Curse.

Passively increases Spirit regeneration rate.

Rank Required Level Effect
1 16 Increases out of combat SP regen by 30%.
2 24 Increases out of combat SP regen by 60%.
3 32 Increases out of combat SP regen by 90%.

Blade Dash: 9 Ranks - Requires 2 Ranks in Ancient Recall.

Deals damage to a single target. Deals 4% of caster's Attack Power in additional damage if the caster's Spirit is above 95% of maximum. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Damage
1 25 41 100% of AP + 68
2 27 43 100% of AP + 76
3 29 45 100% of AP + 84
4 31 47 100% of AP + 92
5 33 49 100% of AP + 100
6 35 51 100% of AP + 108
7 37 53 100% of AP + 116
8 39 55 100% of AP + 124
9 41 57 100% of AP + 156

Furious Strike: 9 Ranks - Requires 6 Ranks in Blade Dash.

Deals damage to a single target, and raises your Attack Power for a short time. Cooldown: 6 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Damage Effect
1 40 41 102% of AP + 151 AP increased by 6 for 3 seconds
2 42 43 102% of AP + 165 AP increased by 12 for 3 seconds
3 44 45 102% of AP + 179 AP increased by 18 for 3 seconds
4 46 47 102% of AP + 193 AP increased by 24 for 3 seconds
5 48 49 102% of AP + 207 AP increased by 30 for 3 seconds
6 50 51 102% of AP + 221 AP increased by 36 for 3 seconds
7 52 53 102% of AP + 235 AP increased by 42 for 3 seconds
8 54 55 102% of AP + 249 AP increased by 48 for 3 seconds
9 56 57 102% of AP + 271 AP increased by 54 for 3 seconds


      1. Section 4: Frostblade, Thunderfist, and Wanderlust Skills


Frostblade: 9 Ranks - Requires 3 Ranks in Frozen Curse.

Costs 20 Spirit. Targets: 15. Deals damage to multiple targets in a straight line, reducing their movement speed. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level Damage Effect
1 20 100% of AP + 46 Reduces movement speed by 10% for 3 seconds
2 22 100% of AP + 50 Reduces movement speed by 12% for 3 seconds
3 24 100% of AP + 54 Reduces movement speed by 14% for 3 seconds
4 26 100% of AP + 59 Reduces movement speed by 16% for 3 seconds
5 28 100% of AP + 65 Reduces movement speed by 18% for 3 seconds
6 30 100% of AP + 71 Reduces movement speed by 20% for 3 seconds
7 32 100% of AP + 77 Reduces movement speed by 22% for 3 seconds
8 34 100% of AP + 85 Reduces movement speed by 24% for 3 seconds
9 36 100% of AP + 97 Reduces movement speed by 26% for 3 seconds
  Alright, let's break down the HTML code for the Jadeon skill tree into five manageable sections. Each section will ensure all skills and their details are included progressively. Here is the enhanced and complete version, divided into 5 sections:
      1. Section 1: Header and Introduction


Jadeon Skill Tree - Jade Dynasty Wiki

   Jadeon skills are mostly based on the elemental forces of frost and lightning. This faction has access to many skills that can strike a large number of enemies, and its frost-based skills can slow enemy movement speed.
   Jadeon Skill Calculator
   Back to Skills page
   Back to Jadeon faction page


  • <a href="#Tier_1">Tier 1 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_2">Tier 2 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_3">Tier 3 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_4">Tier 4 Skills</a>
  • <a href="#Tier_5">Tier 5 Skills</a>


      1. Section 2: Tier 1 Skills Introduction and Frozen Curse


Tier 1 Skills

File:Skills Jadeon Tier1.jpg
Tier 1 Skills

  • Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that reduces the target's movement speed.
  • Ancient Recall: 3 Ranks. Passively increases out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration.
  • Blade Dash: 9 Ranks. Basic ranged attack.
  • Furious Strike: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that increases the caster's Attack Power.
  • Frostblade: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that hits multiple enemies in a straight line in front of the caster, slowing all affected targets.
  • Thunderfist: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that strikes a large number of enemies surrounding the target.
  • Wanderlust: 5 Ranks. Increases movement speed and out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration for a short time.
  • Helping Hand: 8 Ranks. Increases Max Spirit of the caster and their party for 30 minutes.
  • Mysterious Mirror: 6 Ranks. Passively increases Stun Resistance.

Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks - Requires 8 total points spent in Initiate skills.

Costs 10 Spirit. Deals damage to a single ranged target, reducing its movement speed. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level Damage Effect
1 15 100% of AP + 53 Reduces movement speed by 22% for 4 seconds
2 17 100% of AP + 57 Reduces movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds
3 19 100% of AP + 61 Reduces movement speed by 28% for 6 seconds
4 21 100% of AP + 65 Reduces movement speed by 31% for 7 seconds
5 23 100% of AP + 69 Reduces movement speed by 34% for 8 seconds
6 25 100% of AP + 73 Reduces movement speed by 37% for 9 seconds
7 27 100% of AP + 77 Reduces movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds
8 29 100% of AP + 81 Reduces movement speed by 43% for 11 seconds
9 31 100% of AP + 105 Reduces movement speed by 46% for 12 seconds


      1. Section 3: Ancient Recall, Blade Dash, and Furious Strike


Ancient Recall: 3 Ranks - Requires 1 Rank in Frozen Curse.

Passively increases Spirit regeneration rate.

Rank Required Level Effect
1 16 Increases out of combat SP regen by 30%.
2 24 Increases out of combat SP regen by 60%.
3 32 Increases out of combat SP regen by 90%.

Blade Dash: 9 Ranks - Requires 2 Ranks in Ancient Recall.

Deals damage to a single target. Deals 4% of caster's Attack Power in additional damage if the caster's Spirit is above 95% of maximum. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Damage
1 25 41 100% of AP + 68
2 27 43 100% of AP + 76
3 29 45 100% of AP + 84
4 31 47 100% of AP + 92
5 33 49 100% of AP + 100
6 35 51 100% of AP + 108
7 37 53 100% of AP + 116
8 39 55 100% of AP + 124
9 41 57 100% of AP + 156

Furious Strike: 9 Ranks - Requires 6 Ranks in Blade Dash.

Deals damage to a single target, and raises your Attack Power for a short time. Cooldown: 6 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Damage Effect
1 40 41 102% of AP + 151 AP increased by 6 for 3 seconds
2 42 43 102% of AP + 165 AP increased by 12 for 3 seconds
3 44 45 102% of AP + 179 AP increased by 18 for 3 seconds
4 46 47 102% of AP + 193 AP increased by 24 for 3 seconds
5 48 49 102% of AP + 207 AP increased by 30 for 3 seconds
6 50 51 102% of AP + 221 AP increased by 36 for 3 seconds
7 52 53 102% of AP + 235 AP increased by 42 for 3 seconds
8 54 55 102% of AP + 249 AP increased by 48 for 3 seconds
9 56 57 102% of AP + 271 AP increased by 54 for 3 seconds


      1. Section 4: Frostblade, Thunderfist, and Wanderlust Skills


Frostblade: 9 Ranks - Requires 3 Ranks in Frozen Curse.

Costs 20 Spirit. Targets: 15. Deals damage to multiple targets in a straight line, reducing their movement speed. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level Damage Effect
1 20 100% of AP + 46 Reduces movement speed by 10% for 3 seconds
2 22 100% of AP + 50 Reduces movement speed by 12% for 3 seconds
3 24 100% of AP + 54 Reduces movement speed by 14% for 3 seconds
4 26 100% of AP + 59 Reduces movement speed by 16% for 3 seconds
5 28 100% of AP + 65 Reduces movement speed by 18% for 3 seconds
6 30 100% of AP + 71 Reduces movement speed by 20% for 3 seconds
7 32 100% of AP + 77 Reduces movement speed by 22% for 3 seconds
8 34 100% of AP + 85 Reduces movement speed by 24% for 3 seconds
9 36 100% of AP + 97 Reduces movement speed by 26% for 3 seconds

Thunderfist: 9 Ranks - Requires 5 Ranks in Frostblade.

Deals damage to multiple enemies surrounding the target. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Targets Damage
1 30 177 16 100% of AP + 128
2 32 178 17 100% of AP + 134
3 34 181 18 100% of AP + 140
4 36 187 19 100% of AP + 147
5 38 195 20 100% of AP + 153
6 40 206 21 100% of AP + 160
7 42 219 22 100% of AP + 166
8 44 235 23 100% of AP + 173
9 46 254 24 100% of AP + 209

Wanderlust: 5 Ranks - Requires 1 Rank in Frozen Curse.

Increases movement speed and out of combat spirit regeneration rate for a short time. Cooldown: 120 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Effect
1 16 46 Increases movement speed by 0.6 y/s and SP regen by 12% for 12 seconds
2 18 48 Increases movement speed by 1.0 y/s and SP regen by 28% for 14 seconds
3 19 51 Increases movement speed by 1.4 y/s and SP regen by 48% for 16 seconds
4 22 55 Increases movement speed by 1.8 y/s and SP regen by 72% for 18 seconds
5 25 61 Increases movement speed by 2.2 y/s and SP regen by 100% for 20 seconds


      1. Section 5: Helping Hand and Mysterious Mirror Skills


Helping Hand: 8 Ranks - Requires 4 Ranks in Wanderlust.

Increases Max Spirit of caster and party members within 18 yards for 30 minutes. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level SP Cost Effect
1 25 253 Increases Max SP by 5% for 30 minutes
2 29 304 Increases Max SP by 10% for 30 minutes
3 32 357 Increases Max SP by 15% for 30 minutes
4 37 414 Increases Max SP by 20% for 30 minutes
5 41 473 Increases Max SP by 25% for 30 minutes
6 43 536 Increases Max SP by 30% for 30 minutes
7 47 601 Increases Max SP by 35% for 30 minutes
8 49 670 Increases Max SP by 40% for 30 minutes

Mysterious Mirror: 6 Ranks - Requires 3 Ranks in Helping Hand.

Passively increases Stun Resistance.

Rank Required Level Effect
1 35 Increases Stun Resistance by 5
2 40 Increases Stun Resistance by 10
3 45 Increases Stun Resistance by 15
4 50 Increases Stun Resistance by 20
5 55 Increases Stun Resistance by 25
6 59 Increases Stun Resistance by 30