Jadeon Skill Tree

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Jadeon Skill Tree - Jade Dynasty Wiki

   Jadeon skills are mostly based on the elemental forces of frost and lightning. This faction has access to many skills that can strike a large number of enemies, and its frost-based skills can slow enemy movement speed.
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Tier 1 Skills

File:Skills Jadeon Tier1.jpg
Tier 1 Skills

  • Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that reduces the target's movement speed.
  • Ancient Recall: 3 Ranks. Passively increases out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration.
  • Blade Dash: 9 Ranks. Basic ranged attack.
  • Furious Strike: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that increases the caster's Attack Power.
  • Frostblade: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that hits multiple enemies in a straight line in front of the caster, slowing all affected targets.
  • Thunderfist: 9 Ranks. Ranged attack that strikes a large number of enemies surrounding the target.
  • Wanderlust: 5 Ranks. Increases movement speed and out-of-combat Spirit Regeneration for a short time.
  • Helping Hand: 8 Ranks. Increases Max Spirit of the caster and their party for 30 minutes.
  • Mysterious Mirror: 6 Ranks. Passively increases Stun Resistance.

Frozen Curse: 9 Ranks - Requires 8 total points spent in Initiate skills.

Costs 10 Spirit. Deals damage to a single ranged target, reducing its movement speed. Cooldown: 2 seconds

Rank Required Level Damage Effect
1 15 100% of AP + 53 Reduces movement speed by 22% for 4 seconds
2 17 100% of AP + 57 Reduces movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds
3 19 100% of AP + 61 Reduces movement speed by 28% for 6 seconds
4 21 100% of AP + 65 Reduces movement speed by 31% for 7 seconds
5 23 100% of AP + 69 Reduces movement speed by 34% for 8 seconds
6 25 100% of AP + 73 Reduces movement speed by 37% for 9 seconds
7 27 100% of AP + 77 Reduces movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds
8 29 100% of AP + 81 Reduces movement speed by 43% for 11 seconds
9 31 100% of AP + 105 Reduces movement speed by 46% for 12 seconds