JD Plot

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Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing: /perfectworld/vhosts/jd-wiki.perfectworld/htdocs/images/7/78/JDPlot_AcceptTask.jpg

This page is incomplete and needs the following: update to match new quests

The main story quest starts at Tanis Ka (or Guli the Senior for the Athans) and runs through the entire game. You can locate these quests by opening your Quest Log (press Q on your keyboard) and clicking on the JD Plot tab.

Humans begin with Sunstream and Jadeon quests, while Athans begin with Divine Realm quests. Both races merge their questlines in Skysong.

To begin the first quest in each map, you will need to go to the JD Plot tab, select the first quest for that map in the list, and click on the Accept Task button on the bottom left of the quest window.

Human Only

These quests cover the Human starting zone, and aren't available to Athan characters. The quest lines merge at Skysong.


Total experience received: 50 Taichi Pills

  • Young Adventurer
  • Newcomer - Tanis Ka
  • Situation - Guard Suntu
  • Temper - Kill 5 Wood Piles - Guard Suntu
  • Pigeon Message - (Receive: Suntu's Love Letter) - Tailor Swaha
  • Parents' Will - Physician Swarga
  • Holy Gift - Collect 5 Boar Hides and Wolf Bones from Mountain Boars and Wild Wolves - Physician Swarga - Reward: 1 Celemiracle Dew
  • Report Good News - Guard Suntu
  • Disabuse - Enchanter Taja - Reward: 5 Taichi Pills, 1 Trigram
  • Scraps from the Mountain Inn - Enchanter Taja
  • Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing: /perfectworld/vhosts/jd-wiki.perfectworld/htdocs/images/4/4f/Fishnet.png
  • Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing: /perfectworld/vhosts/jd-wiki.perfectworld/htdocs/images/f/fb/15of6a8.png
  • Busy Waitor - Waiter Huu
  • Catch Fish - Fisherman Yonnge
  • Find the Net - (Receive: 1 Order - Teleported to Hades Sea) - Jadeon Disciple Colde - Reward: 5 Taichi Pills
  • Back to Yonnge - Fisherman Yonnge
  • Hidden Deliciousness - Fisherman Yonnge
  • Catch Moy Fish - Collect 10 Moy Fish - Fisherman Yonnge
  • Left click on the Freshwater Fish and use the Fishnet in your bag
  • Catch Moy Fish - Waiter Huu
  • Moy Fish Stew - Cook Morry
  • Delicious - Waiter Huu (you will need to complete Cook Morry's quest to complete this) - Reward: 10 Taichi Pills
  • (Cooking Moy Fish - Start at Chef Morry)
    • Note: All the items needed are within the area and can be collected by left clicking on the item
    • Cooking Help - Collect 1 Cooking Wine - 60 second time limit
    • Cooking Help - Collect 1 Fish Soup - 60 second time limit
    • Cooking Help - Collect 1 Sterile Plate - 60 second time limit - You ironically collect "Dirty Plate" in order to get "Sterile Plate" - Reward: 1 Boiled Moy Fish
  • Visit Grasstemple Village - Waiter Huu
  • Visit Kouros - Kouros
  • Eliminate the Ghosts - Kill 20 Wandering Wraiths and Moaning Harpies - Kouros
  • Zaxin's trouble - Zaxin - Reward: 5 Taichi Pills
  • Rebuild Grasstemple Village - Zaxin
  • Zaxin's trouble - Zaxin
  • Dry Wheat - (Receive: 1 Empty Barrel, Collect 10 Water Barrels) - Zaxin
  • Well is located at (-353, 372)
  • Harvest - Collect 10 Mature Fruit - Zaxin
  • Left click on "fruit" in quest description to auto-route there, then left click on Fruit Tree to collect Mature Fruit
  • Sweep the Mice - (Receive: 1 Rat Trap, Collect 10 Caught Field Mouse) - Zaxin
  • Stand nearby a Field Mouse and right click the Rat Trap in your bag (B) to use it
  • Return to owner - Zaxin
  • Hard to Say - Shepherd Master Wang - Reward: 10 Taichi Pills
  • Recall Past - Shepherd Master Wang
  • Inquire - Shepherd Master Wang
  • Sheer Sheep - (Receive: 1 Shears, Collect 10 Wool) - Shepherd Master Wang
  • Left click on Goats nearby to collect Wool *Note: You need TWO empty bag slots to do this quest
  • Worth of Wool - (Collect 1 Silver Coins) - Shepherd Master Wang
  • Left click on "looms" in the quest description to auto-route there, then left click on Loom to turn the all 10 Wool into the 10 "Main Quest Item" Wool. The Wool Merchant is at (-363, 432), select "Wool Trade" in his dialogue to change 10 Wool into 1 Silver Coins
  • Say or not say - Faji - Reward: 5 Taichi Pills
  • The Truth - Faji
  • Murderer - Faji
  • Justice and villany - Tanis Ka
  • Defeat Wraith Lord - Kill 1 Vim Wraith Lord - Tanis Ka - Reward: 10 Taichi Pills, 1 Ring of the Tiger
  • Note: Kills cannot be shared in a party


  • Mountain Road
  • Guests - Aiko
  • Before Crystal Hall - Issa
  • Talk About the Past - Devi
  • Devi's Entrustment - Devi
  • Visit Enu - Enu
  • Where Are the Old Friends? - Enu
  • Query - Issa
  • Marriage Proposal - (Crescent Peak)
  • Come Back - Issa
  • Bamboo Peak - Amandla
  • Not Far From You - Amandla
  • Amandla - Hidi
  • Black Bamboo - Hidi
  • The Old Time - Hidi
  • Youth Age - Amandla
  • Orphan Shaw Danon - Amandla
  • Orphan - Baye
  • Wild Fruit - Uncle Bozo
  • A Madman - Baye
  • Swiftedge Spirit - Baye
  • Unexpected - Baye
  • Frozen Steel - Aiko
  • Jadeon Contest - Baako
  • The Contest - Baako
  • Training - Issa
  • Issa - Issa
  • Forsaken Abyss - Issa
  • Baako - Baako
  • Shaw Danon's Betrayal - Baako
  • Betrayal - Baako
  • Amandla - Amandla
  • The Secret - Hidi
  • The Truth - Issa
  • Enu's Tests - Issa
  • Jadeon Challenge - Enu
  • Black Boarlord - Enu
  • Black Piglord - Enu
  • Lock of Jadeon - (Lock of Jadeon)
  • Report to Enu - Enu
  • Compete Against Your Rivals - Enu
  • Challenge So Enn (Kill So Enn - Mount Yonder)
  • Challenge Gwiene (Kill Gwiene - Mount Yonder)
  • Challenge Jathro (Kill Jathro - Mount Yonder)
  • Challenge Ha Vie (Kill Ha Vie - Mount Yonder) - Enu
  • Qualification - Enu
  • The Last Battle (Kill Ren Sekhe - Mount Yonder) Enu
  • Farewell - Issa

Athan Only

These quests cover the Athan starting zone, and aren't available to Human characters. The quest lines merge at Skysong.

Divine Realm

  • Way of Youth
  • A Kind Elder - Guli the Senior
  • The Right Way - Sephron
  • The Temple - Zorio
  • Nuwa - (Grand Temple - stand in front of the giant living statue) - Reward: 1 Taichi Pill
  • The Beginning
  • The Trials - Zorio - Reward: 1 Celemiracle Dew
  • The First Trial - Dispatcher Xuja
  • Body - Kill Hardwing Bees - Dispatcher Xuja
  • The Second Trial - Roy - Reward: Colorful Gem esper
  • Practice and Trials - Roy
  • Will - Roy
  • The Third Trial - Karnish
  • Essence - Karnish
  • The Secret I - Esper Mystic Wana
  • The Secret II - Blacksmith Thu
  • The Secret III - Sephron
  • Five Sacred Orders - Guli the Senior
  • Hidden Truth - Guli the Senior
  • The Rumor - Guli the Senior
  • Undercurrent - Guli the Senior
  • Disturbance - Guli the Senior
  • Rayan - Zero
  • Arden - Qeinu
  • Celan - Bai
  • Balo - Blacksmith Thu
  • Chief's Opinion - Zorio
  • Suspicion - Yee Feung
  • Intruder - Zorio
  • Checkpoint - Moo Lang
  • All Clear - Yee Feung
  • Enter the Temple - (the door right next to the guards)
  • Phantom Shadow - Luzu
  • Destroy the Monster - Nagi
  • Security Breath - Zorio
  • A Bad Sign - Guli the Senior
  • Wise Old Man - Guli the Senior
  • Consideration - Guli the Senior
  • Arden - Zorio
  • Rayan - Huai Tong
  • Celan - Yu Er
  • Balo - Wei Twill
  • No Worries - Guli the Senior
  • Investigation - Guli the Senior
  • Beyond Dragon Palace - Skylord Noru
  • Traces - Zazu
  • Mogo Mount - (Mogo Mount)
  • Unfamiliar Letters - (kill Haunting Wanderer, loot remains) - Zazu
  • Guard's Words - Botan
  • Spying on the Spies - Chasing Shadow
  • Blood Matrix - Chasing Shadow
  • Nether Book - (kill Haunting Messenger) - Chasing Shadow
  • Mount Patroller - Wung Fin
  • Rebel Guard - Libyan
  • The Secret - Sian
  • Dark Magic - Chasing Shadow
  • Countermeasures - Chasing Shadow
  • Emergency - Guli the Senior
  • Battle Fire - Chasing Shadow
  • Rage of Thunder - Chasing Shadow
  • Danger at Lesoon Gate - Chasing Shadow
  • Sole Survivor - Yinoa
  • Eye for an Eye - (Kill: Goldeye Demon)
  • Goldeye Lord - (Kill: Goldeye Lord)
  • War Affair - Chasing Shadow
  • Final Guard - Chasing Shadow
  • The Invincible - (Kill: Konwu)
  • King of the Konwu - (Kill: Konwu King)
  • Death of the King - Chasing Shadow
  • Victory - Chasing Shadow
  • Young Hero - Guli the Senior
  • Outer World - Zazu
  • Say Goodbye - Chasing Shadow
  • The Road Ahead - Feng Yuanzheng
  • Skysong - Hu Tong

Human/Athan Quests

Once players are out of the Human and Athan starting zones, their Mandatory questlines merge together in Skysong.


  • Pure Land
  • Skysong - Hu Tong
  • Disaster - Fazzan
  • Pukton - Pukton
  • Save the People - Pukton
  • Breakbeak Pikeman - Pukton
  • Ruinous Bruin - Pukton
  • Save the People - Old Zan
  • Safety - Pukton
  • Report to Fazzan - Fazzan
  • Lack of Food - Fazzan
  • Hall of the Arhats - Fashan
  • Old Friend - Fazzan
  • Hu Yani - Hu Yani
  • Blackwind Camp - Hu Yani
  • Animated Soldier - Fazzan
  • Stolen Food - Fazzan
  • Faa - Faa
  • Skeletal Archer - Faa
  • Potion - Fashan
  • Wake Up - Fazzan
  • The Wounded Guest - Fazzan
  • Relief - Puhan
  • Careless Words - Fazzan
  • Pafan - Pafan
  • Temple of Afterglow - Pafan
  • Fallen Buddhist - Pafan
  • Depraved Conjurer - Pafan
  • Pristine Wall - (Pristine Wall)
  • Statement - Fazzan
  • Pristine Wall - Fazzan
  • Old Story - Puhan
  • Kindness - Fazzan
  • Bilu - Hidi (in Jadeon)
  • Inner Evil - Fazzan (in Skysong)
  • Love Story - Fazzan
  • Wrath of the Gods - Fashan
  • Deliver a Message - Puhan
  • Old Friend - Tanis Ka
  • Fight against Fate - Tonni
  • Back to the Past - Lil Spoo
  • Daughter - Bilu
  • Trapped - Lil Spoo
  • Replacement - Bilu
  • Hungry - Lil Spoo
  • The Amulet - Bilu
  • The Mother - Lil Spoo
  • Wrong Place - Lil Spoo
  • Wordless - Tonni
  • Return to Skysong - Puhan
  • Recognition of Heart - (76, -145)
  • Leave - Puhan


  • Trip to the Billows
  • Guuyi - Guuyi
  • Monster Hunt - Guuyi
  • Monster Hunt - Guuyi
  • Gains from Help - Guuyi
  • Skylord's Advice - Skylord Nahara
  • Wind Fairy's Advice - Wind Fairy
  • Gains From Help - (Kill: Vile Webspinner)
  • Listen to Guidance - Wind Fairy
  • Pop Quiz - Wind Fairy
  • Gains From Help - Wind Fairy
  • Fetch the Cloth - (fly to roof, get cloth) - Tailor Swaha
  • Return to the Billows - Skylord Nahara
  • Learned to Fly - Skylord Nahara
  • Unreliable - Guard Yangbi
  • Current Situation - Guard Tio
  • Catch Crabs - Guard Tio
  • Mysterious Old Man - Tanis Ka (appears from nowhere!)
  • The Cave of Fangs - (auto)
  • Tanis Ka's Advice - Tanis Ka
  • Cynical Dialectician - Cynical Dialectician
  • Ironshell Pincer - Cynical Dialectician
  • Visit Kevern - Kevern
  • Visit Issa - Issa
  • Investigation - (Cave of Fangs)
  • Query - Cynical Dialectician
  • Dark Drake Cave - Cynical Dialectician
  • Investigate the Cave - (Dark Drake Cave)
  • The Owner - Foxero Loa's Ghost
  • Lunar Well - Foxero Syl's Ghost
  • Find the Master - Guuyi
  • Eliminate the Monsters - Onara
  • Threaten the Pirates - Onara
  • Both of Them - Onara
  • Eliminate the Monsters - Onara
  • Mindrot Menace's Secret - Vim Herald Yevan
  • Vim's Secret - Cynical Dialectician
  • Shaw Danon's Secret - Kevern
  • Fazzan's Answer - Fazzan
  • Kevern's Sign - Kevern
  • Enraged Punishment - Kevern
  • Bring Him Back - Kevern
  • Revisit Issa - Issa (in Jadeon)
  • Marriage - Enu
  • Trip to Bamboo Peak - Amandla
  • Report to Enu - Enu
  • Marriage - Enu
  • Carefree Youth - Patriot Monolith
  • Loyalty and Faith - Wango Yinh
  • Loyalty and Faith - (need a Merit Incense) - Wango Yinh
  • Loyalty and Faith - Senz
  • Loyalty and Faith - Senz
  • Tomb of Loyalty - Patriot Monolith
  • The Dissolute - Senz
  • Stay In Billows - Senz
  • Teaching - Senga
  • Pirate Leader - Senga
  • Ancient Defenders - Senga
  • Revisit Onara - Onara
  • Crazy Spider - Onara
  • Onara's Guidance - Onara
  • Eliminate the Pirates - Onara
  • Guuyi - Guuyi
  • Zangis Ta - Zangis Ta (Wait near Metaphysician Goro in Billows)

Doom Bog

  • Brigand's Keep
  • Zangis Ta - Zangis Ta
  • Alligator Disaster - Zangis Ta
  • Songs at Night - Zangis Ta
  • Heaven Guest - Zangis Ta
  • Mysterious Man - (Heaven's Repository)
  • Report to the Chief - Zangis Ta
  • Ghost Doctor - Doc Dread
  • Hesitation - Doc Dread
  • Heaven Guest - Doc Dread
    • (quest branches here)
    • (branch 1)
    • Get Pills - Doc Dread
    • Take Pills - Doc Dread
    • (branch 2)
    • Refusal - Doc Dread
    • Deadpool Spirit - Doc Dread
    • (branches merge)
  • Doctor's Suggestion - Doc Dread
  • Jii Ruli's Opinion - Jii Ruli
  • Guardian Saith - Guardian Saith (in Jadeon)
  • Vanguard's Trial - Guardian Saith
  • Heaven Guest - Guardian Saith
  • Sky Dweller - Sky Dweller (in Sunstream)
  • Sky Dweller's Treasure - Sky Dweller
  • Heaven Guest - Sky Dweller
  • Heaven Guest - Zangis Ta (in Doom Bog)
  • The Relic - Zangis Ta
  • Relic - (Longevity Hall Ruins)
  • Leftover - Lian Soni
  • Toxic Crawler - Lian Soni
  • The Relic - Lian Soni
  • Resurrect Longevity Hall - Sumin
  • Revenge for Friend - Sumin
  • Refuse - Lian Soni
  • Longevity Hall Destroyed - Lian Soni
  • Jadeon - Enu (in Jadeon)
  • Kind Monk - Fazzan (in Skysong)
  • Citizen's Information - Skylord Tamsin (in Doom Bog)
  • Juhsan - Juhsan
  • Clue - Lian Soni
  • The Witness - Sumin
  • The Real Murderer - Jin Parto
  • The Truth - Lian Soni
  • Find Treasure - Lian Soni
  • Revisit Heaven's Repository - (Heaven's Repository)
  • Big Tree - Zayi
  • Query - Enu
  • The Witness - Issa
  • Funny Annoying - Zayi
  • Poisonous Blood - Zayi
  • Method - Physician Berezi
  • A Knack for It - Physician Berezi
  • Clumsy Bird - Physician Berezi
  • Clumsy Bird - Zangis Ta
  • Pet Ashh - Zangis Ta
  • Pet Master - Pet Master Ellan
  • Apricot Honey - Pet master Ellan
  • Return to the Bog - Zangis Ta
  • About Velonus - Zangis Ta
  • Return to Jadeon - Amandla (in Jadeon)
  • Shadow in Forest - Hidi
  • Puzzled - Amandla
  • Deep Friendship - Issa
  • Old Friend - Baako
  • Refuse the Proposal - Issa
  • Unforgettable Love - Issa
  • The Marriage - Enu
  • Transfer the Message - Yanhis
  • Foxhill - Chan Wangli
  • Phoenix Herald - Negar
  • Meri Koon - Meri Koon
  • Velonus's Follower - Yanhis
  • Negar's Past - Yanhis
  • Revisit Negar - Negar (in Sunstream)
  • Refusal - Meri Koon
  • Report to Jadeon - Enu (in Jadeon)
  • Open the Heart - Meri Koon (in Sunstream)
  • Find Velonus - Yanhis
  • Deadpool Horror - Yanhis


  • Sacred Place - Guard Chenz
  • Savage Slitherer - Guard Chenz
  • Savage Slitherer - King of Laws
  • The Scenery of the Wildlands - King of Laws
  • Ancestral Vestiges - (Ancestral Vestiges)
  • Punish The Abominations - King of Laws
  • Source of Evil Fumes - King of Laws
  • Ask for a Charm - Guard Chenz
  • Inspect Emperor's Hill - (Emperor's Hill)
  • Trapped! - (Kill: Savage Witch
  • Unexpected Rescue - King of Laws
  • Millennium Ice - King of Laws
  • Talisman Material - King of Laws
  • Collect Ice - (Azure Pool)
  • Rescue People - (Emperor's Hill - use Millenium Ice on Aimless Warriors until you get a guard) - Wildland Guard
  • The Fake Guard - (auto)
  • Appearance - (Kill: Barbarian Giant)
  • The Youth - King of Laws

Incense Valley

  • Visit Incense Valley - Lu Shu
  • Man in Red - Lu Shu
  • Kill Carrion Keeper - Lu Shu
  • Visit Li Su - Li Su
  • In Incense Valley - Li Su
  • Doing Favors - Ragner
  • Unforgettable Girl - Ragner
  • Collect Mums - (Kill: Mommum)
  • Collect Orchids - (Kill: Bewitching Orchid)
  • Encourage Li Su - Li Su
  • The Ambition - Li Su
  • Warn Fishman Leader - Fishman Leader
  • Kill Fishmen - Fishman Leader
  • Report to Li Su - Li Su
  • Yasho Inbound - Li Su
  • Kill Veinrot Killers - (Kill: Veinrot Killer)
  • Deliver the Message - Enu (in Jadeon)
  • Great Responsibility - Enu
  • Kill Redtail Wanderers - (Kill: Redtail Wanderer) (in Incense Valley)
  • Kill Four Eyed Terrors - (Kill: Four Eyed Terror)
  • Mission Complete - Ragner

Southern Border

  • Follow the Monsters
  • Chasing Demons - Tumagu
  • Support - Tumagu
  • Score - Li Tribe Chief
  • Gain Their Trust - Li Tribe Chief
  • Secret - Tumagu
  • Charm - Lil Baba
  • Beautiful Lil Baba - Lil Baba
  • Drunk - Warrior Zenna
  • Good Idea - (acquire 35 Manbiter Pollen)
  • Good Idea - (acquire 35 Wild Fruit) - Warrior Zenna
  • Monkey Wine - (target monkey, use bananna) - Warrior Zenna
  • Singing while Drinking - (wait 10 minutes) - Warrior Zenna
  • Good Wine - Captain Monri
  • Hide and Sneak - Captain Monri
  • Perfect Disguise - Captain Monri
  • Espionage - (Altar of Darkness - put on disguise after you get there) - Tumagu
  • The Sacred Stone's Warning - (Cave of Canis)
  • The Right Way - Vohey
  • Coming Crisis - Vohey
  • Combustible Materials - (find 35 Firewood)
  • Destroy the Watchtowers - Tumagu
  • Past Friendship - Chun Tribe Chief
  • Keeping Silent - Tu Tribe Chief
  • Corercion and Bribery - Kao Tribe Chief
  • Help the Three Tribes - Kao Tribe Chief
  • Helping the Enemy - Kao Tribe Chief
  • Help the Three Tribes - Captive Niron
  • Help the Three Tribes - Caprive Niron's Wife
  • Help the Three Tribes - Captive Amee
  • No Worries - Kao Tribe Chief
  • Gratitude - Tumagu
  • Fierce War - Tumagu
  • The Grand Wizard Defeated - Lil Baba
  • Reviving a Corpse - Wizard Koradji
  • Eliminate Vicious Pest - Wizard Koradji
  • Traces of the Enemy - (Cave of Ancient Tales entrance)
  • Traces - Cadaver
  • Off the Track - Black Wood - Reward: 150 Taichi Pills
  • Evil Appears - Black Wood
  • Loyal Lunar Spirit - Black Tiger
  • Destroy Yasho - Black Tiger
  • The Memory of Lady Linaska - Exquisite Jade
  • Consult - Black Tiger - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • The Beast Lord - Black Tiger
  • Strengthen the Seal - (inside the Cave of Ancient Tales (-362, 357) - past the Chamber of Poison)
  • Fight the Evil - (Kill: Bone Serpent) - Black Tiger
  • What Came Before - Black Tiger
  • Right Or Wrong - Tumagu
  • Entrustment - Wizard Koradji - Reward: 250 Taichi Pills, 1 Gem Pack, 1 Celesphere Sand Pack, 1 Ring of the Heavens


Total experience received: 1650 Taichi Pills

  • Kunlun Mountain
  • Super Pillar - Skylord Chilf
  • Kunlun Mountain - Kinslo
  • Snow Peak - Tailor Yun
  • The Blacksmith - Blacksmith Tso
  • Demi-Immortal - Mully - Reward: 100 Taichi Pills
  • Gods' Footprint - Mully
  • Consultation - Mully
  • Ancient Ice - Mully
  • The Golden Light - Qadir - Reward: 100 Taichi Pills
  • The Immortals - Qadir
  • Searing Skyfox - (Kill: Searing Skyfox)
  • General Camio - General Camio
  • Half Done - Dudee
  • East of Mountain Lake - (east edge of Mountain Lake)
  • Immortal's Appearance - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 100 Taichi Pills
  • The Immortal - Ethereal Immortal
  • The Treasure - Ethereal Immortal
  • Brishen - Brishen
  • Doubt - Dentis
  • Divination - Palle
  • Forgetting - Ethereal Immortal
  • Frozen Jade Map - (Collect 9 Frozen Jade Maps from Icespike Golems) - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 150 Taichi Pills
  • Treasure of Kunlun - Ethereal Immortal
  • Blood of Aurfeather - Ethereal Immortal
  • Fantasy Peak - (Fantasy Peak)
  • Aurfeather Blood - (collect 10 Dreagon Stones by destroying the pillars)
  • Huge Monster - (exit the cave)
  • Taik - Metaphysician Taik
  • Destruction I - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • Second Set of Pillars - Ethereal Immortal
  • Dark Orb - (kill Wicked Succubus and Sleet Spirit to collect Snow Spirits and Shadow Spirits) - Ethereal Immortal
  • Tiger Pillar - (Locust Mountain)
  • Locust Mountain - (collect 10 Tiger Stones by destroying the pillars)
  • Beast's Roar - (exit the cave)
  • Taen - Taen (can't auto-route... go back inside the cave)
  • Torin Kul - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • Third Set of Pillars - Ethereal Immortal
  • Kunlun Guard - Ethereal Immortal
  • Glow Pillar - (south edge of Mountain Lake)
  • Return in vain - Ethereal Immortal
  • Celestial Vanguard - Ethereal Immortal
  • Mountain of Longing - (south edge of Mountain Lake) - (collect 10 Phoenix Stones by destroying the pillars)
  • Suspicion - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • Disaster - Ethereal Immortal
  • Wonderland - Acolyte Vetin
  • Great Gate of Heaven - (go up the stairs through the portal to Kunlun Wonderland)
  • Guard's Blood - (Kill Celestial Guards for their Heaven Blood) - Ethereal Immortal
  • Cubic * War Pillar - (Mount Qunyu) - (collect 10 Tortoise Stones by destroying the pillars)
  • Bad Feeling - Mully - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • Ethereal's Lie - Mully
  • The Origin - Mully
  • Ask Everywhere - Jal
  • The Spirit Grove - Garridan
  • The Answer - Tanis Ka
  • Rage - Ethereal Immortal (in Kunlun) - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills
  • Shura - Ethereal Immortal
  • The Coming Tide - Ethereal Immortal
  • The Judgement - Astral Servant Phul (base of spire in Mountain Lake)
  • Truth or Illusion - Tanis Ka
  • Defying Hell - Skylord Adra - Reward: 200 Taichi Pills, 1 Gem Pack, 1 Celesphere Sand Pack, 1 Royal Emblem Ring


Total experience received: 2550 Taichi Pills

  • Shura
  • Shura's Story - Skylord Lanst
  • Yin and Yang - Telepathist Min
  • Tears of the Contract Manager - Contract Manager
  • Fearsome Deamons - Contract Manager
  • Salute Master Jadeon - Master Jadeon - Reward: 300 Taichi Pills
  • Shura King - Master Jadeon
  • Mystery of the Past - Myga the Nomad
  • Illusion - Myga the Nomad
  • The Anger of Demons - Kowlo
  • Gratitude and Resentment - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 300 Taichi Pills
  • The Best Chance - Ethereal Immortal
  • Bad Omen - Ethereal Immortal
  • Missed Opportunities - Ethereal Immortal
  • Further Intensified - Master Jadeon
  • Master Jadeon's Worries - (Eternal Bliss) - Master Jadeon - Reward: 300 Taichi Pills
  • Ethereal Immortal's Trouble - Master Jadeon
  • Reason and Result - Ethereal Immortal
  • Lil Spoo - Ethereal Immortal
  • Sigh With Emotion - Lord Lushan
  • Help Sancien - Sancien - Reward: 320 Taichi Pills
  • Regret - Sancien
  • Broken Promise - Sancien
  • Locked Soul - Ethereal Immortal
  • Sucide - Ethereal Immortal
  • Kill the Tomb Monster - Zedon - Reward: 320 Taichi Pills
  • Assassin - Zedon
  • 'Tianmo Ghoul's Nest - (Seat of Infernal Toil)
  • 'Detect Tomb - Bristan (bottom of Bottomless Pit)
  • 'Find Tianmo Ghoul - Tianmo Ghoul
  • 'Demon Soldiers - (Kill: Devil Guardian)
  • 'Demon Genesis - Tianmo Ghoul
  • 'Two Lives - Ethereal Immortal - Reward: 330 Taichi Pills
  • The Doomed Disaster - Ethereal Immortal
  • Kill Shura Monsters - Ethereal Immortal
  • Fate - Master Jadeon
  • Three Domains - Puhan (in Skysong)
  • Shocked By Li Su - Li Su (in Incense Valley)
  • To Divine Realm - Guli the Senior - Reward: 340 Taichi Pills
  • Endless Cycle - Guli the Senior
  • Suppress Demon - Master Jadeon (in Shura)
  • Lord of Shura - (Kill: Shura Emperor) (on top of NE tower - use a skyblade)
  • The King is Dead - Master Jadeon
  • Taisung the Tao - Taisung the Tao (in Jadeon)
  • Elder of Arcaneness - Elder of Arcaneness (on top of platform - use a skyblade)
  • Ascension - Tanis Ka (in Sunstream) - Reward: 340 Taichi Pills, 1 Gem Pack, 1 Celesphere Sand Pack, 1 Sacred Emblem Ring

--- questline ends ---