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The Psychea are a tribe of Etherkin who are renowned for their creativity, intellect, and playfulness. Their sense of "play" can be a bit distorted at times, but they mean well for the most part. Despite their cute and fragile appearances, many of the Kytos Tribe have learned to respect these magical engineers after taking a hit or two from a Psytek fist. It's best to respect their space, literally, as they are adept at laying traps where you least expect them. With their love of creativity and art, their approaches to combat can be quite varied.

To see what skills the Psychea learn, see the Psychea Skill Tree page.

To see what Tomes the Psychea learn, see the Psychea Tome Tree page.

To see what the Psychea's gear looks like, see the Psychea Gear page.

For info on the Psychea Tier quests, see the Psychea Enlightenment page.


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  • Insert weaknesses here.

Human Factions:

       Vim | Lupin | Jadeon | Skysong | Modo | Incense Mage

Athan Factions:

       Balo | Arden | Celan | Rayan | Forta | Voida

Etherkin Factions:

       Psychea | Kytos | Hydran

Category: Factions